Crystal has practiced primarily family law since her call to the B.C. bar in 1992. She qualified as a family mediator in 1998, was a founding member of the Victoria Collaborative Family Law Group in 2000 and obtained her Family Law Mediator accreditation in 2014.
From her call, Crystal has practiced in a neighbourhood law firm, and is very happy to now serve the Browne Associates’ neighbourhood.
Crystal’s working life has focused on the law. She graduated with Bachelor of Arts (Honours in English) from the University of Regina in 1980, and was Editor with Legislative Drafting in Saskatchewan until 1988 when she began her studies toward her Juris Doctor at the University of Victoria.
Outside of her law practice, Crystal is proud to be a long-time volunteer for Family Services of Greater Victoria which provides a wide range of caring, timely and effective services for all family members facing change and challenges in their relationships